
DC-TP Europe GmbH
Division Deep Colours!
Lotsenstrasse 10
76776 Neuburg am Rhein

Telephone: +49 7273 800 514
Telefax: +49 7273 800 519


Ralf Michel

Commercial Register:
County Court Landau in der Pfalz, HRB 21737

Sales Tax Identification Number: DE 813 498 495
Tax Number: 41650-11861

novoxx® is a registered trade mark of Deep Colours!

No dissuasion without prior contact!

Should the contents or the presentation of these pages impinge upon unknown rights of third parties or legal regulations we kindly ask to be notified accordingly without notification of fees.

The elimination of a possible violation of trade mark rights from these pages by the trade mark rights proprietor/-s cannot take place without our consent.

We guarantee that the justly objected to passages will be eliminated without delay without you having to consult a legal advisor.

Nevertheless costs initiated from your side without previously contacting us will be completely declined and if necessary we will file counterclaim for violation of the above stated regulations.


novoxx knowledge:

novoxx is 100% biocompatible and does not lead to any defence reactions of the body!